Let’s introduce Shipping Intelligence to your company

Our customers say:

“Over the last year, we saw a 35% decrease in ‘Where is my order?’ questions, while 9 out of 10 customers say they appreciate proactive delivery communication.

Carel van Boetzelaer, CEO,
24 webshops in 15 countries

The most customer-centric brands already trust Sendcloud

Rosefield Watches

Is your support swamped with WISMO?

Keep customers happy with proactive notifications. Have your teams spend less time answering emails and calls.

Are your carriers fulfilling their contractual obligations?

Evaluate the performance of your carrier(s) against their SLAs and compare to carriers you are not using yet.

Do you know your shipping KPIs?

Price, reliability, performance, customer service costs, transit times, SLAs—what matters to you the most?

Let's talk

Personal, 20-min walk-through. For free. No commitment.

Make smarter shipping decisions
with Shipping Intelligence

Proactive customer support with real-time parcel monitoring

  • Get a near-real-time overview of all your shipments
  • Automate your customer service actions by connecting to Zendesk, Trengo, or any other tool
  • Deliver the right information at the right time to reduce WISMO inquiries by up to 45%
  • Identify delivery issues before your customers do, so you can proactively resolve them

Advanced analytics tools for better delivery performance

  • View how your carriers have performed in terms of delivery issues, delivery speed, and SLA compliance
  • Compare the performance of your carriers to the carriers you are not yet using
  • Integrate with your data warehouse to receive structured and standardized shipping data to enhance your own BI and analytics

Get tailored carrier recommendations based on your shipping KPIs

  • Tell us what matters to you in your shipping profile
  • Based on your KPIs and the type of parcels you ship, our tool suggests optimal shipping options for you
  • Rank all the carriers in the Tracey dataset by price, performance, expected customer service costs, transit times, and SLA compliance

Let me show you around?

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Get a personalized tour by Huib Adriaans,
Founder of Tracey by Sendcloud.